All posts by mrsfazruns

About mrsfazruns

Addicted to running and obsessed with running clothes!! Runninhpg Milton Keynes marathon in may and hoping to do New York soon!

Run? Can’t even walk!!!!



I was hoping I’d be one of these people that could say I did parkrun the morning I gave birth ….. Turns out my baby boy has other ideas!! I’m MASSIVE and now at 32 weeks and 4 days (can you tell im counting) my pelvis has decided to hurt!! And when I say hurt I mean OUCH!! I’m an active person and usually non stop … But … More than 3 hours on my feet and I’m done for!!


Had a bit of a moody night explaining to husband that im fed up! I want a good run or a good spin session! Enough of his gentle swim chat …. I want blood,sweat and tears and to feel like I’m about to vomit!! But I made a decision …. Its only 7 weeks and 3 days till his arrival (ish) and I can get back into it! I want to thrive at the challenge of getting back in shape!! I can’t wait to meet him and get training for mk half and to make this wee man proud of his fit, determined mum!!!

How long??? New goals!!!



I can’t believe how long it has been since I wrote in here pledging to get back into running after having the miscarriage!! Things didn’t get much better and I had lots of complications so life how I knew it went on the back burner!! One thing I did do to help focus my head was took a charity place in the london marathon!! Training went well and I am proud to say I knocked another 7 mins off my Pb and managed 4:31:08!! I am however claiming it as sub 4:30 and the good old garmin clocked almost 27 miles!!!


Surprise surprise

However 2 days after I wasn’t recovering the way I normally did …. I felt really awful!! I just felt ill and exhausted but not in the normal way for me!! And then I realised that london had DEFINATEY taken my mind off things ………


Yup …. There it is in 2 wee lines …. PREGNANT!!

And this one has stuck!! I’m now 28 weeks and counting down the days till babyfaz arrives!!!

I have had a pretty easy pregnancy but we have moved house and lots of other stresses so running has unfortunatly taken a bit of a back burner but i am still managing to parkrun here and there and only adding 4 minutes to my time



I can’t lie …. I’m missing me!! Not running, not racing, missing running club, growing big, slowing down, feeling like I’m going to wee when I run is just not a good combination and started to make me miserableness


…….. I have booked my first post pregnancy race!!! MK HALF MARATHON in May!! I know it doesn’t give me long to train but if I do it in 3 hours I don’t care!! It’s somewhere to start and improve and get back to where I was!! They say PBs are set after having babies …. Im hoping it’s true!!

I completed MK marathon in 2014 and have to admit I can’t wait to go back for the half!! It was recently voted top 3rd fastest marathon in UK ….. I just wish I would be in the position to push for it!!

Anyway my point …. I’m
Back blogging!! And this time not just with race reviews and Moans!! This time I have purpose!! To show a real woman, curves and all, on her journey through (what’s left) of pregnancy and return to shape and running fitness …. All with a goal in mind …. MK HALF MARATHON


Feeling fat ….. With reason!!



So I’ve struggled since my last post to write anything positive because I’ve been struggling to get out the door … why??? ,… The answer is simply BABIES!!!! So not long after my last post I discovered I was pregnant …. We had been trying and we were over the moon! So my pregnancy plan always was ….. I’m going to run till as far as I can ….. Hopefully doing parkrun the day I go into labour!!

Unfortunately …… it wasn’t going to be as simple as that!! I started spotting on and off (sorry for the too much info) and then had some bleeding after a gym session (a pregnancy specific session with a personal trainer) and I was sent for some scans!!! To cut a long story short over 4 weeks I had 3 scans which ended in miscarriage on Dec 22nd!! The point to this blog isn’t about the miscarriage ….. Although I was (and still am) devastated, over the period of 10 weeks I was so nervous of what damage running would do to the baby!! Even though all the research says I could continue ….. because I was having the spotting I just felt that I shouldn’t be pushing it ….. SO….. I gained 12 pounds!! OUCH!!!

Since losing the initial 3 stone I swore I would never go over 10 stone again …. And now I’ve found myself at almost 11!!!

The photo above was taking on my New Years parkrun …. It’s a half decent photo but I can’t help but notice the belly wobble …. When compared to my wolf run photo in November …..


12 pound gain may not be a lot to some but on my 5ft 3 frame it appears to make a huge difference!!


Well I guess there isn’t much point to this post! So I’ve gained weight ….. Big deal eh?? no!!!. To me it is a big deal ….. I feel wobbly….. My clothes don’t fit right …. My skin looks dull ….. And to be honest …. 12 pounds is a lot of extra weight to be carrying on a run …., and boy do I feel it!!

I suppose what I want to say is that running didn’t cause my miscarriage …. Neither did the gym session!! My doctor assured my that I could have continued running through those spotting days and the outcome would not have changed because the baby just didn’t have the right genetics to grow!! For once in my running life I was put off of my hobby rather than it being my saviour during stress!! And now I’m struggling with confidence to go out …. I’ve had to make tim come to the park I’m running to walk the dog whilst I run …. Just so I know he’s there incase I fail!! I even took him to my parkrun on New Year’s Day to watch because I was convinced I was going to have to give up halfway!!

This whole year I have thought I was invincible!! I got PB after PB, I was getting quicker and quicker! I had all the confidence in the world and I took for granted how easy that Could disappear with an unfortunate simple life event!!

So tonight I’ve got my act together!! I’ve eaten my last bit of chocolate!! I’ve drank my last cappuccino and bread is off the menu!!


The shopping is done for a 2 week eating clean menu plan and my training plan is downloaded and started!!

I may have been out for a few weeks …. But it’s back on …. After all …, I need to be fit and healthy for when the next baby faz actually wants to grow!!!

Keep going people …. When life throws you challenges …. It’s only because you have the strength to get through!!!

Loving to Love the Trail!!



Back on the 9th of June I blogged about a run called otmoor challenge which saw me making the bold statement that “I was NEVER running off road again”. Not long after that I was asked by the running club to be part of the ladies relay at the Tring ridgeway! I went and practiced my leg with an amazing runner from club and I almost cried 2 miles into the 6. I Hated off road running! But what shocked me was that I HATED that I hated it! Everyone is almost talking about how beautiful trails are, how much quicker the run passes by and just generally about how much more awesome it was and I longed to LOVE it!


Not long after that practice I did the ridge way – with NO tears!!! I even ran the mile long hill at the end without stopping!


Since then I have completed Standish Woodland chase – in the most awful down pour of rain and 1000ft of elevation in the first mile, The thunder run 24 hour relay and Tring Ridgway 9(ish) miler with so many ups and downs I was almost sick but even managed a smile at the top of the hill!!

smile 1
Photo courtesy of Barry Cornelius

As much as I was starting to get the post run buzz and could see the beauty of these runs I still was not enjoying the actual run … but my opinion was slowly changing to LOVING to HATE them!!


Bring on Rugged Radnage 10K!! I got up this morning thinking “I might just get back into bed”… bed just seemed the better option against mud, hills, sweat and quite possibly tears and tantrums!! But I had paid for it and I knew I would regret it later!!

3Km in and my mind was made up … I had been converted !! The mud, the hills, the downs, the trees, the views, the people … everything about it I loved and halfway round for some strange reason I wanted to know what defined trail running!!


Search for a definition of trail running and you get Wikipedia describing running over trails but I prefer Rapid ascent’s description of “leaving the noise, pollution and bitumen characteristics of road running far behind in favour of nature such as forests, parkland, valleys and mountains” (found at HOWEVER today I came up with my own definition. “Trail running is the only type of running that it is acceptable to have a 12 minute mile followed by an 8:30 minute mile”. I never understood the mentality of trail running isn’t about pace! I was always a “go and smash it” kinda girl!! But today I felt comfortable not being a crazed Garmin checker to make sure I’m on for that PB …. Today I didn’t check my watch at all!! I didn’t care that I walked up the hill … it was the size of everest after all and I was more out of breath walking up it than I was running the rest of the run!!


I think I have gave so much effort to my recent trail experiences that I have made myself Love to Love the trail. It took time to realise that its harder and I can’t keep an 8:30 min mile when I need to think about tree roots, mud, hills, gravel, ground, weather etc etc etc! But one thing is for sure …. I’m more knackered tonight that I am after running a road 10k! Will I be running more trails …. most definitely …… my next one is already booked!!!


Happy Running


Busy times



I can’t believe where time has disappeared to! The last post I had just competed MK half and was struggling a little bit post marathon and I made a decision to get a plan up on my fridge and get that PB at Bournemouth half!

Did it work – no! I ended up being scheduled for minor surgery 6 weeks before the half and after it i went on 3 weeks annual leave – first surfing the out to Dubai and with all intentions to run while on holiday – it went out the window while I lived it up on cocktails, food and lazing by the pool!

Did I smash my pb?? HELL YEAH!!!


Because training hadn’t went to plan, I was at my friends wedding the evening before I decided just to go along and enjoy the run – but for some reason I was NERVOUS!! Sick to the stomach nervous. On the start line in good time and I was off! First mile was a bit 9:40 – so I new it was over before it began! Decided to listen to music – my iPod has died – this is not going well! 2nd mile – 08:20 and that little thought in my head thought maybe I can do it! Managed to keep sub 9 min miles up till the HILL!! What on earth is that HILL doing there! Think It is around mile 8! It killed me and I had to slow to a walk half way up! So it was over!! Just run! Enjoy it! Down onto the sea front and take in the view and atmosphere! With the last pier in sight, sore legs, starting to get warm I hear a girl say to her friend “you have 10 minutes to make it sub 2” —– I had caught up with them so I must have more – looking at the garmin – I had 12 minutes and not much over a mile to go! I could do 10 minute miles and make it! Starting to feel dizzy and with tingling cheeks i turned onto the pier – it was ON! Quick smile for the camera – and SPRINT!! Garmin reads:1:59:12.

This time no tears – just smiles! I wanted someone to scream to someone and to tell everyone! So I collected my water, my bling (which as usual at BMF is amazing) and my tshirt (again amazing) and I could see Tim waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs? A thumbs up from me and he knew!


After the hugs and jumping up and down and total excitement – I realised – 1:59:12 isn’t a 1:55 – so the next challenge is on (but maybe in a half without a hill)


Heavier is harder



So my previous post I was just heading out the door to do the 3rd event in the Kindlington Mota-vation series!! A 4 mile run which I was supposed to be missing due to work! I was bloated, gained a few pounds with not a lot of training going on … but I SMASHED it …. Well as my standards allow!! I ran an average of 8:49 ….. Considering last year I struggled to do 1 mile in under 9 miles …. To now do 4 is pretty impressive!! I’m not saying I enjoyed it …. I could feel bits of me wobbling that have never wobbled before!! I was huffing and puffing (and maybe swearing) getting up the final hill (which felt like Everest) and I collapsed face down into the grass to try and cool myself down at the end ….. But I did it! It was hard …. But it was a job well done!!



I felt a bit blah!!! Ever since completing the marathon my training has just been ….. blah!!! I’ve done a few races here and there, dabbled in off road, flirted with the thought of a triathlon and added spinning to my weekly routine! But I’ve lacked motivation and drive that I had before! It just crept up on my and I realised I was missing my routine of training! I missed my long slow Sunday runs! So I decided on Saturday night ….. I was entering on the day to do the NSPCC half marathon in MILTON KEYNES on Sunday!!

Well after I made the decision I out it on Facebook and Twitter and told hubby! Great!! ….. No not great! I came across all doubtful that I could make it round 13.1 miles …. Blimey 5 miles in Thursday were hard and as the world knew …. There was no way of dropping out!!

but ….

It turns out! Running a marathon in May, doing an off road half in June followed by an off road 8 miles the week after …. Means that your legs still remember how to run!! It wasn’t a PB …. Heck I didn’t want a PB …. I just wanted to run!!

REVIEW … what a fantastic race! The organisation was exceptional, the marshals were great, the course was good (except for the bloody down and up of all the underpasses) and I even beat the camel that was going for a Guinness world record!




I’ve proved to myself that I don’t need to be “scared” about going the distance or getting the speed!! I’m a runner …. I run! however …..

My fridge looks kind of bare without a training plan and my mind is kind of bored without a goal to aim for!!

SO … the new plan is this …. I am going to do a sub 2 hour half at BOURNMOUTH!!! I am gonna get my programme up and smash my PB!!!

Standby for some hard core training updates!!!


Sandie xxxxx

Not running = pounds added



so the photo looks a little different from the ones I usually post! Normally me in my club running vest, whatever shiny bright running capris I’ve bought this week with one hand on my hip sporting what ever medal I’ve added to the collection! This week I donned my uniform and went on the exercise with the army – us civilised RAF usually prefer hotels but I was up for it! I’m not going to bore you with tents etc etc but what you do need to know is about my determination to run while I was away!!!

Well …. The camp was 1k in circumference ….. And we were not allowed off site!! Great I can just do laps and to make it worse The food was fried stuff with fried stuff!! I had no ear phones, my phone wouldn’t get internet to download marathon talk ….. AAASRRRGGHHH!

determination fail!!!

I did one 5k in loops (soul
Destroying)! My determination turned to “it’s only a week so sod it!” Now feeling guilty and don’t know why I did it!! Lesson learned …. Just run …. You know you’ll regret it otherwise!

So I’m back …. And I have a race tonight!!! Eeeeek …. I shall race report and let you know how much harder and slower I got with a week of gaining a few pounds xxx


Well ….. Maybe not super star like celebrity famous …. BUT I’m in this months womens running magazine!!!


I replied to a tweet a few months ago looking for people to take part in the great debate and was asked to go to London to talk about “wacky races”! I’ll let you but a copy to see what we discussed in full but basically …..

There are loads of races to chose from …. And if wacky races get people running then I’m all for it!!! However soon after this was printed I did a half marathon where I got overtaken by a man dressed in air ambulance clothing (including helmet) ….. juggling …. He actually JUGGLES the whole way!! He broke my heart!!


I had a great morning in London and met some great people …. Girls which I now keep in contact with and have even seen at races!! I loved meeting everyone at womens running …. It’s my favourite running magazine!! When I first started running I didn’t understand all the running jargon …. Pace, threshold, fartlek, blah blah blah …. Womens running is brilliant at explaining all those things!!

Anyway …. Just a short post to tell you all about my fame …. Now go buy a copy and read all about my experience with scooby doo xxx



Well what can I say …. this race was in our running club champs so I signed up! I obviously didn’t take note of the name …. Otmoor CHALLENGE!! A off road half marathon …. what could be so bad!! Its always hot they said …. it was forecast torrential rain!! Its a hilly course they said ….. its a local race and I know of no hills!!


Yes it was forecast rain … in the morning. By the time 2pm came I had to borrow sun cream and I was sweating before I even started. No hills near me … yeah right … I had a heart attack just looking at the gradient spike in my garmin when I uploaded it!!


So it was hot … That hill killed me … the torrential down pour in the morning made the route ankle deep in mud and I found myself muttering along the whole 13.1 miles that I was never running off road again!!  So lets review …

Organisation …..

The race is brilliantly planned.  It is in a local village and has a real community feel to it!  There is a fete, BBQ, beer tent … and people can do the walk or the run.  It was well signposted, great parking (Army cadets marshalling the car park) and it was easy to pick up race numbers.  You could also register on the day which a few friends did.

The route …

Although i state this was my first “off road” race … I have to say that around 50% is actually on the road.  I wore trail shoes which I was thank for in the muddy parts but the mud then made them really heavy for the road parts.  I would probably opt for trail shoes again though!

The route was beautiful …. mixture of fields, villages, trails, lanes … it was stunning.

Support ….

Although not many marshals on route … it was extremely well sign posted and all the villages had great support out.  Plenty of water stations … my favourite of which was Halfway up that stupid hill where a man asked if I was OK to continue as I grabbed 2 cups of squash out his hand and downed them before desperately scrambling to the hose pipe to be sprayed down.

My time ….

I finished in 2;18;10 …. a time I was extremely pleased with.  I went in with aspirations of sub 2.30 as I knew the new terrain would be tough.  Considering I walked through drinks station (and maybe walked a little bit of the hill) I was pleased with my overall pace …. AND …. I got some bling at the end.

Did I enjoy it???

The answer … NO I HATED EVERY STEP!!!  But this week I learnt my own lesson.  My sister JaIme has started couch to 5k … and I am extremely proud of her for doing so!  She asked me this week …. when does it get easier and my answer was …. “it never gets easier …. you get better … but always push harder”.  So what i am trying to say is that I hated every step of the way but the sense of achievement when I finished was amazing.  Later as I posted on Facebook that I was never running off road again ….. I was reminded “until next week” when I have a 7.9 mile leg of an off road relay to run!!!

I think my off road adventures have just begun.

HIGHLIGHT of the race …….



Love Sandie xx

Kindlington Mota-vation …… Number 2



So what is it??? This is a series of 5 races organised by one of the local running clubs ran on the first thurs of the month during summer months!! So basically we get to compete (I say that like I’m an athlete ….. To me it means I get to pin on a number and pretend I’m Paula Radcliffe for an hour)!!

How far …. The races are 4.1 (ish) miles and are at different locations each month! I’m only 9 months into my running club life so this is the first time I’ve run in them!

So this was race number 2 …. Bletchingdon!!!


So I have learned that hubby had no concept of night shift! I love him dearly …. But man he’s noisey!! Then it didn’t help that I needed to take him to the airport on Wednesday then work another shift ….. Then on Thursday EVERYONE called me …. Literally everyone!

So I got up and considered not running ….. But as it’s in club champs I went along just a to get a few points at least!!


As always was in a field ….. FULL OF COW PAT! And when I say full …. I literally felt like if raced before I started dodging them all!


As always …. A million women trying to nervous wee!! And with only one cubicle working …. I only just made it to the start!!!

These are the only 2 negatives ….. The race was FANTASTIC!!

ROUTE ….. I had been warned was hilly!! I would say it was up and down but nothing too drastic!

RESULT …. I started off with my friend Joely ….. She’s AWESOME!! so was pretty impressed that I was keeping a half decent pace with her! We overtook lots which makes me a little bit more determined!! We did giggle going up a hill that one women said “wow …. Good effort” …. Think the sound of my puffing/panting and general wheeze like sound made her think I was trying to give myself a heart attack more than finish the run!!

But I kept going …. And SMASHED my 5k PB and did the race with average pace of 8:40!!

I was bouncing off the walls with excitement!! And the best bit ….. I had the best nights sleep in 4 days …. I got 9 whole hours!!

I wouldn’t recommend a sleep deprived run fuelled with coffee and crisps ….. Bit I’m glad I got up and went!!

LESSON ….. get up and do it ….. You might surprise yourself!!!!!

Ps. Thanks to Kindlington running club for the race …. Well organised, fab marshalls and support with awesome turnout! Can’t wait for next month!!


Sandie xx
